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2018年3月4日ジェフユナイテッド千葉 – 水戸ホーリーホック ドイツ人から見たJリーグ JEF United Chiba – Mito Hollyhock FC Japan

JEF United Chiba – Mito Hollyhock 04.03.2018



Text in English

A beautiful sunny and warm Sunday in Tokyo should set the scene for my 2nd Japanese football match during my journey. But it all started with chaos and stress.
In the morning, my friend and I had to move from our hostel in Asakusa to spend one night at the APA Hotel right next to Narita station because we would be flying to Sapporo the next morning to see Hokkaido and northern Japan. Our plan was simple, first move all our luggage to the APA at Narita and after that we would be taking our big bags back with us because we would be leaving them at Tokyo. Big thank you again to Hikaru for giving us the opportunity to leave our stuff at his place.
Long story short, my friend did not feel well at all and it took us nearly 3 hours to finally arrive at the APA in Narita. By the time we got to Narita it was already 1pm. No need to say that it was obvious that I had to visit the match alone. So, for the first time I had to travel all alone from Narita back to Chiba, change trains take the next line to Soga station and walk my way to the stadium. Sounds easy to you? Well, if it is just your 3rd day in Japan and you can`t read or speak a word of Japanese you will have mixed feelings I can assure you. Additionally, I had to carry two big pieces of luggage. But luckily for me the signs and announcements all have been in English as well so I had no problem finding my way.
After watching the train schedule, it was obvious that I would be approximately 15min late and the match would have already been started. Hikaru told me to come to the north gate and that he would give our tickets, or in this case just my ticket, to one of the security guys. As I walked up the road I already heard the crowd singing and sound of the drums, so I got really excited to finally enter the stadium. After some asking around talking I finally found the security who had the ticket for me. I worried a lot about what to do with my two big pieces of luggage but he told me to just leave them at the gate and pick them up later, no problem. You need to understand that in Germany many football clubs do not allow fans to bring backpacks or even small shoulder bags into the stadium and everybody would think you are absolutely stupid to bring two big pieces of luggage with you.
Anyways, I entered the stadium and was surprised that only 5 minutes had passed even though it was already 14:20. I was later told that the referee had the away team change jerseys because both teams had too similar colors. I wasn`t unhappy about that at all. Unfortunately, I had missed the intro choreo from Chiba Ultras consisting of two rows of many small green and yellow flags. But during the match the crowd used them many times so I got an impression how it may looked like, very cool. I also enjoyed the Argentina style drum and rhythm of the Chiba Ultras. Being a drummer myself I couldn`t help smiling all the time. From time to time I still sing to myself ohho ohhoo oh oh oh ohhho JEF United, that one became a pretty serious catchy tune to myself, can`t get it out of my head, thanks for that. The stadium itself is really cool, oval shaped but still very close to the pitch and nicely steep inclining steps. That`s what a football stadiums needs to look like.
The match itself was unfortunately rather boring, JEF had many good opportunities to score but they made it way to complicated near the box. I couldn`t fail to see that many supporters had hoped for more. I was later told many times that this was quite a poor performance giving the fact that the opponent team isn`t considered as very good and that JEF want to be near the top of the league again. I will cross my fingers and wish you good fortune for the matches to come.
After the match, I could take a look into the Ultras shop. Thank you very much for the present, I appreciate it.
We spent the evening in a restaurant talking about football and many other things. That was a real well-rounded day.

Very big thank you to Hikaru for the hospitality and spending the evening with me. Be careful with the peppermint Schnaps, remember what I told you =)







ペパーミントシュナップス(お酒)の飲み過ぎには気をつけて:) いろいろと機転を利かせて対応してくれて本当に嬉しかった。

ゲームインフォ/game info

スタジアム/stadium:フクダ電子アリーナ Fukuda Denshi Arena (Chiba)


試合結果/result:ジェフユナイテッド千葉(JEF United Chiba) 0 – 0 水戸ホーリーホック(Mito Hollyhock)




photos and text Paul,translater Syu Oba

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